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Composing stickers from different packs to the single one. If you are using only one-two stickers from several packs.

What can do this bot?Composing stickers from different packs to the single one. If you are using only one-two stickers from several packs.

You are sending me the stickers, and I will send you the link to your personal sticker pack. Pretty simple.

Adding the sticker. Just send me any sticker from any sticker pack.

Sorting or deleting stickers from the pack. Send me the sticker from your personal sticker pack and choose the right option.

Deleting sticker pack. If you will want to start from scratch, you can delete sticker packs selectively /delete

Sticker pack is 100% yours, so you can do whatever you want with it through official bot. Questions, partnership, just to talk: @ninja

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

help the project ๐ŸŸ
delete the pack
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